«Η αξία ενός tattoo είναι ανεκτίμητη» [Urban Faces]
Η City Free Press συναντά πρόσωπα της πόλης, ανθρώπους που έχουν ενδιαφέρουσες ιστορίες να μοιραστούν μαζί μας.
Αυτή την φορά, στη στήλη “Urban Faces” φιλοξενούμε τον tatoo artist και ιδιοκτήτη του στούντιο “Endangered Speciestattoo“, Χρήστο (Christ) Ζαχαρόπουλο.
Διάβασε ολόκληρη τη συνέντευξη του Χρήστου στην κατηγορία ΜΙΛΑ ΜΟΥ στο www.cityfreepress.com.cy.
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The History Of Tattoos, In One Entertaining Animation
Let’s Begin…
>> source
2nd International Tattoo Convention 2015
April 3rd to 5th 2015 are the days that the 2nd International Tattoo Convention will take place!
Venue is located in old town Limassol and is called «Richard and Berengaria».
This location is a unique indoor hall located next to the Carob Mill museum and between the Medieval Castle and the New Limassol Marina. 552 square meters.
>> 70 Tattooists & Piercers from allover the world!
>> Everyday activities such as body air brushes, fashionshows, martial arts presentations.
>> Tattoo competitions
>> Live bands & Performances.
>> Lots of surprises!
This Is How Tattoo Machines Work In Slow Motion
Destin, who explores the world using science on his Smarter Every Day YouTube channel, has shot some amazing footage of tattooing in slow-mo with his Phantom high-speed camera.
In the six and a half minutes episode, Destin visited Timepiece Tattoo in Huntsville, Alabama and talked to one of its tattoo artists about the mechanics of tattooing machines and how they work. The icing on the cake, however, is the close-up video of skin getting needled and inked in poetic slow-mo. While it does get quite bloody, the footage also has a strangely hypnotic and mesmerising effect that makes it hard to turn your head away.
On his video description, Destin wrote, “I hope this video helps break a few of your stereotypes.” He said that he found that “most Tattoo artists that I dealt with were very courteous professionals.” But at least one thing is quite clear: tattoos are painful, and with good reason!
More info: smartereveryday.tumblr.com | Youtube
1ο Thessalonink – Photos & Videos
Check some photos & videos from last weekends tattoo Convention in Thessaloniki!
It is the 1st International Tattoo Convention happening in Town.